Union Square



The place you would have visited without us telling you to stop by. Not only because it is a "must see", but because whoever you asked, local or tourist, would have directed you here. And they wouldn't be wrong - look at the pictures and you'll understand why!

The first thing you will notice once you arrive here is the #slowliving vibe of the city and the joy of people coming together. This dazzling urban spectacle is placed against a décor of seven architectural styles, one more seductive than the other - Baroque, Classicist, Eclectic, Historian, Secessionist, Romantic and Neo-Romanian. You will definitely want to linger here for a few hours, enjoying a coffee while you admire the architectural jewels around: Oradea City Hall (1901 - 1903), the recently restored Palace of the Greek-Catholic Bishopric (1903 - 1905), The city’s trademark “Black Eagle” Palace (1907 - 1908) or “Moskovits Adolf and Sons” Palace (1904 - 1905).


Union Square, also known as the Small Square, started taking shape around the 18th century when it was the centre of the neighbourhood “Orașul Nou”, or “The New Town”. The first building built here was the Serföyö House, in 1714, on the current site of the “Black Eagle” Palace. With only a few rooms to lend at first, it later became the well-known "Eagle" Inn. Starting with 1753, the square saw a series of transformations: impressive buildings in different architectural styles, street lighting and the first trams connecting the centre with the North Station and the Western part of the city.


Come and feel Oradea!


The most important changes in the way Oradea Union Square looks today took place at the turn of the XIX century, during a time of economic growth. The western front is represented by two main buildings of the same architect, Kálmán Rimanóczy Jr.: The City Hall Palace and The Palace of the Greek-Catholic Bishopric.


Over time, the area hosted a variety of activities and its name has changed many times – Small Square,  Ferdinand Square, Saint Ladislaus Square, Malinovsky Square, Victoria Square, and currently - Union Square. Today, it is the cultural and historical cradle of the city, a place where one goes to be seen and a tourist attraction you must not miss!


If you are in Unirii Square, some other must-see attractions are the Moon Church, built in Baroque style and of course, “Black Eagle” Palace, the most representative Art Nouveau monument in Oradea and Transylvania. Take a seat on a bench or inside a cosy café, have a speciality coffee and simply " enjoy the moment"! The feeling of wellbeing mixed with an exceptional architectural setting will surely stay with you for a long time after. 


Here’s a small secret: the reason why even we who live here visit the Square often is that, from time to time, we want to feel the joy of being tourists at home. wink


What to Do

How many walks does it take to fall in love with a city? When you're in Oradea, only one. Each route you start has something special to catch the eye. Whether you want to rediscover old history, enjoy a moment of reconnection in the middle of nature or a special evening in the city, Oradea and Bihor County will always have something to seduce you, regardless of the season.

What to See

Discover a lively, fresh, and welcoming city! Living energy in a surprising architectural landscape that includes: 89 Art Nouveau buildings and monuments, 26 buildings classified as historical monuments, 25 valuable buildings proposed for classification as historical monuments and 38 buildings with indisputable architectural value. Create your own itinerary for an unforgettable #citybreak in the #ArtNouveau city!

Travel Wise

Oradea is an old hub of many European trade routes and has always been easily accessible. Find out all the information about how to get to #Oradea, where to stay, what to visit, and what kind of activities you can book online for you and your friends and family! #FamilyTrip #Accessibility