Oradea Fortress



Have an authentic medieval experience in one of the most significant medieval monuments in #Transylvania! For a full experience, visit the fortress during the Medieval Festival!

The fortresses usually impress with their imposing architecture and the veil of mystery you can feel inside their dark corridors. Oradea Fortress is no exception! If you want to travel back to medieval times, when the city already hosted to different cultures and religions, Oradea Fortress is "a must-see". Defined by most visitors as the # 1 attraction in the city, the newly renovated fortress welcomes its guests throughout the year.


Every step or corner of the monument has a story to accompany you on this journey back in time. The Christian legends are woven around King Ladislaus the Saint, its origin and fame as a place of eternal rest of some important historical figures, have attracted over time numerous visitors from all over Europe.

The centre of Oradea's cultural life


Extremely important and influential landmark during the Renaissance from a religious, cultural, scientific, and military point of view, the fortress was protected by a moat over five meters deep, filled with thermal water that would never freeze. Due to this clever technique, no one was able to conquer the fortress until a solution was found to dry the moat.


Oradea Fortress has recently been fully restored to its former shape using the plans drawn up by historians and architects. In the autumn of 2015, it re-opened its doors for visitors, after a long period of reconstruction works. The symbol of the city has thus been reborn and can now enchant all those who cross its threshold with its new appearance and old stories. The fortress stands as a witness to the passing of time while keeping its eternal charm.


Oradea Fortress hosts some of the most important events in Oradea, the most representative being the Medieval Festival - when the history of the fortress is brought back to life in a spectacular way. 

Once you arrive here, don't miss out the exhibitions inside MoO Museum.


What to Do

How many walks does it take to fall in love with a city? When you're in Oradea, only one. Each route you start has something special to catch the eye. Whether you want to rediscover old history, enjoy a moment of reconnection in the middle of nature or a special evening in the city, Oradea and Bihor County will always have something to seduce you, regardless of the season.

What to See

Discover a lively, fresh, and welcoming city! Living energy in a surprising architectural landscape that includes: 89 Art Nouveau buildings and monuments, 26 buildings classified as historical monuments, 25 valuable buildings proposed for classification as historical monuments and 38 buildings with indisputable architectural value. Create your own itinerary for an unforgettable #citybreak in the #ArtNouveau city!

Travel Wise

Oradea is an old hub of many European trade routes and has always been easily accessible. Find out all the information about how to get to #Oradea, where to stay, what to visit, and what kind of activities you can book online for you and your friends and family! #FamilyTrip #Accessibility