"Oradea, Multicultural City" Route  



Many cities are multicultural, or cosmopolitan, but in Oradea, you will find a combination of diversity and tolerance between religions, denominations, and ethnicities, as well as the mutual respect they have for each other. The tour we propose takes you through the many facets of multiculturalism and its mirroring in the sacral and lay architecture of the city.


Almost 5.000 steps through some of the most important places of worship but also past the most representative pieces of architecture that have prompted Oradea to get its rightful place in the European Art Nouveau Network, alongside cities like Barcelona, ​​Brussels, Nancy, Vienna or Budapest. Embark on this journey and share your impressions of this tour of multiculturalism!




  1. Roman-Catholic Church (Oradea Fortress)      

  2. Sion Neolog Synagogue      

  3. The Moon Church      

  4. St. Nicholas Church      

  5. St. Ladislaus Church      

  6. St. Anne's Church (Ursuline Complex)

  7. The Roman-Catholic Church " Descent of the Holy Spirit"      

  8. Roman-Catholic Cathedral      



  • December 1st Park      
  • Fucshl Palace         
  • Black Eagle Palace      
  • Vasile Alecsandri Street                
  • Union Square                 
  • St. Ladislaus Bridge                  
  • King Ferdinand I Square              
  • The palaces on Republicii Avenue                
  • The Mercy Complex     
  • Petőfi Park
  • The Row of Canons      
  • The Baroque Palace          


Details: 3.7 km / 4700 steps / 59 min / 260 cal

Welcome to the City where everyone gets along with everyone!

The respect shared for the spirit of every community that lives in this city is the first thing that the people of Oradea want others to know about them. Oradea is the #CityofHarmonyandCivility, where people speak the same language, even if they speak in different languages; and where churches have not forgotten that they, in fact, worship the same God. The architecture of the city may not be unique, but it is the people of Oradea who make the difference!

What to Do

How many walks does it take to fall in love with a city? When you're in Oradea, only one. Each route you start has something special to catch the eye. Whether you want to rediscover old history, enjoy a moment of reconnection in the middle of nature or a special evening in the city, Oradea and Bihor County will always have something to seduce you, regardless of the season.

What to See

Discover a lively, fresh, and welcoming city! Living energy in a surprising architectural landscape that includes: 89 Art Nouveau buildings and monuments, 26 buildings classified as historical monuments, 25 valuable buildings proposed for classification as historical monuments and 38 buildings with indisputable architectural value. Create your own itinerary for an unforgettable #citybreak in the #ArtNouveau city!

Travel Wise

Oradea is an old hub of many European trade routes and has always been easily accessible. Find out all the information about how to get to #Oradea, where to stay, what to visit, and what kind of activities you can book online for you and your friends and family! #FamilyTrip #Accessibility